Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Rex Ryan: Emotional Wreck

New York Jet's coach Rex Ryan was fined $50,000 by the New York Jets yesterday for flipping the bird at fans at a MMA event.

Is Rex Ryan one of the most emotional coaches on the planet? Yes, I give him credit he has done a tremendous job turning around the New York Jets entire organization. He signed critical free agents, drafted extremely well, and motivated his team in an aspiring way.

He took over a team that was destroyed by Brett Favre last year and made them forget about the up and down season they experienced by rallying around a rookie quarter back in Mark Sanchez.

But come on. Settle down dude. You're going to be dead before you even get halfway through the contract you signed.

You beat the mighty New England Patriots in the second game of the season and treated it like the super bowl.

You cried at a team practice because you "loved" your team so much.

You spoke to early and declared your team dead and out of the playoffs before they were actually eliminated.

You got lucky to make the playoffs and then had the audacity to say you'd be surprised if you didn't win the Super Bowl, yet a month earlier you said to the media you'd be surprised if you even made the playoffs!

This guy has rallied the troops, made his team relevant again, yadda yadda yadda, but by the time he actually gets enough experience and Mark Sanchez ready the guy is going to have a heart attack.

Settle down, take it game by game, and see what happens. Stop with your predictions. Stop with your crying and absolutely stop trying to be the center of attention. You truly are starting to reach the level of Brett Favre with a lot of people around the world.

You had a solid year at 9-7, let's see you take the next step forward this year. Win the division and finish with one of the best records in the AFC. See if you can have multiple successful seasons like the organizations in Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, New England, and Philadelphia before you put yourself in the same category as them.

Enough is enough already.


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